Am I the Pharaoh? Haggadah Supplement

Am I the Pharaoh? Haggadah Supplement
You may be familiar with the “Am I the A$$hole” Reddit page. Passover affords us the opportunity to ask a similar question: “Am I the Pharaoh?” How often do we try to control people, justify cruel behaviors, or assume that our anger is other people’s fault? Are we stubborn? Closed-minded? Narcissistic? It seems we should be asking, “Am I the Pharaoh?”
In these pages you will find eleven discussion-prompts based on moments and characters in the haggadah. Each of them presents a case and then asks “Am I the Pharaoh?” Discuss! Explain your view! Argue! Vote!
11 cases, great art, plenty of additional info, family friendly and fun.